Grief Is a Compass

Grief is a threshold between love and loss. Thresholds are sacred places of vulnerability where we can’t protect ourselves anymore, and only mercy remains. Grief strips us of everything we think we know — in the face of so much unknown, we come undone.


Loss takes us apart, and through the grieving process, we put ourselves back together – forever changed, yet whole. 


Conscious grieving is a surrender into a liminal space, resulting in an expanded perspective and an increased capacity to embrace life on its own terms. We don’t move on from grief, we move forward with it.


Tragedy & sorrow can accomplish in a single moment what years of sitting on a meditation cushion may never yield: an unequivocal surrendering into the arms of Mystery.
— Mirabai Starr

In the 4th class in the Turning Toward Grief series, Integrate, we will focus on creating a felt sense of balance, ease, and wholeness in the body, and tap into the meaning in our grief.

In our penultimate class, we will continue the process of releasing the heaviness that can accompany grief, breathing deeper and easier. We'll expand our capacity to inhabit our own embodied aliveness by moving between experiences of activation and resource – challenge and ease. We'll create opportunities to feel lighter and more connected to our bodies and beloveds. As we integrate grief as an enriching force, we'll reach toward experiences of joy, pleasure, and rest.


✨ Energy activation through body drumming & self-massage

🫁 Breath expansion

🙅 Body midline engagement

🦩 Balance practice

💆 Self-massage for tender upper backs & calves

 🦖 Pandiculation to reset stooped, forward-head posture

⛅️ Lighten the body's load & prepare to move forward

📿 Guided deep rest meditation to integrate the wisdom of your grief


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Turning Toward Grief Embodiment Course
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Turning Toward Grief Embodiment Course

Turning Toward Grief is an embodiment course on navigating grief and rediscovering your wild self through somatic ritual. Whether from a recent loss, an old wound, or the weight of collective injustice, grief lives in the body. In Turning Toward Grief, we get out of our heads and access the body’s memory and wisdom. Using a variety of embodiment techniques, we release somatic tension, open our hearts to what matters most, and welcome greater ease into each day. By befriending the tender, resilient body, grief becomes a portal to insight, healing, and possibility.


✷ Somatic rituals and embodiment tools including mindful movement, breathwork, vocal toning, self-massage, and meditation

✷ Lifetime access to 5 on-demand, self-paced classes

✷ Bonus deep rest meditation on softening into grief & possibility


Grief Is an Initiation


The Grieving Body