Psychedelic Grieving

Grief as a transformative altered state

Loss, like psychedelic experience, is a pattern interrupt — a disruption that breaks an established way of being, interrupting automatic or habitual responses, allowing for a shift in perspective, an opportunity for reflection, or a change in behavior.


Psychedelic experience can be described as a direct, embodied experience of how an individual operates, with the potential to provide unique insight, emotions, or experiences of why and how they are the way they are.


Grief work and psychedelic work share a lot of similarities, perhaps because they both contain the potential to create radical change. Experiences of grief and psychedelics can feel scary — their disruptive and transformative nature challenges the bodymind’s preference for stability and homeostasis.


In both grief work and psychedelic work, when something frightening arises, we practice turning toward it. This requires us to make a conscious choice that contradicts everything in our wiring that is designed to protect us. When the monster comes toward us, instead of running away, we turn toward it — and what’s more, we stay with it. We hold the monster in our presence and ask it what it has to teach us.


The practice of turning toward what feels hard can enrich your life — you get to discover your own courage and expand your capacity, potentially leading to an enhanced ability to make choices that are authentic to your heart’s desires.


I didn’t choose to get into grief work because it’s fun — I do grief work because it gets me to a place where experiencing fun and joy are possible again. I teach grief work because I’ve discovered ways to make the process fun, approachable, and even sometimes pleasurable. I have fun offering folks embodied tools to access their innate healing capacity and support their transformation.

I invite you to join me on this bold adventure into the inner landscape to unlock grief and turn toward your healing and wholeness. Discover what Turning Toward Grief can do for you.


Get the Course

Turning Toward Grief Embodiment Course
Sale Price: $99.00 Original Price: $111.00

Turning Toward Grief is an embodiment course on navigating grief and rediscovering your wild self through somatic ritual. Whether from a recent loss, an old wound, or the weight of collective injustice, grief lives in the body. In Turning Toward Grief, we get out of our heads and access the body’s memory and wisdom. Using a variety of embodiment techniques, we release somatic tension, open our hearts to what matters most, and welcome greater ease into each day. By befriending the tender, resilient body, grief becomes a portal to insight, healing, and possibility.


✷ Somatic rituals and embodiment tools including mindful movement, breathwork, vocal toning, self-massage, and meditation

✷ Lifetime access to 5 on-demand, self-paced classes

✷ Bonus deep rest meditation on softening into grief & possibility


The Grieving Body


Is It Time to Turn Toward Grief?