Communal Dreaming

Do you sense that a more beautiful, just world for all is possible — but you’re not sure what that would look like or how to get there?

Does the exhaustion & overwhelm of working against present-day injustice & future dystopia leave you without time & energy to imagine a brighter future?

Are you ready to dream a new, flourishing world into being while recharging your body & spirit with deep rest & hope?

Communal dreaming


Monday, September 9th, 8pm EST/ 5pm PST

Communal Dreaming is a guided journey to envision the world you long for. You will drop into your body, tap into radical imagination — for yourself, your community, humanity, and the planet — and together we will plant our dreams into the collective consciousness.

You’ll activate an inspiring vision for the future and discover your next action step — all while receiving profound rest and restoration.

Everything that becomes manifest starts in the imagination.

If we can imagine new possibilities, we can believe in them, and — from a rested place — we can take aligned action to create them.

The world needs your inspired vision.

This is a live virtual gathering facilitated by Zoë Kosovic. Recording provided for all who register.